HOLLAND/DENMARK july 7 - july 10 , 1999
Is this how they got "Hallmark"?
(These are pictures only so it may take a while to download.)
Ack! Get me back to the Home Page
We arrived in Amsterdam around mid-day. After talking to many folks in/around the city, we thought it best for the motorcycles to find camping outside the main city. The campgrounds were packed with young students, and so we found a small restaurant on the water with an apartment and secure parking. Most Amsterdamer's have had their bicycles stolen 4-5 times.
We left our bikes and took the bus into town. There were more American's here than in New York City's Times Square!
We took a boat ride through the canals
Approaching the Red Light District -- Prostitutes sit in window showcases with red lights overhead. No photos allowed!
DENMARK: Land of modern windmills and vikings
JELLING -- First home of the Royal King and Queen of Denmark
We're off to Norway . . .