GERMANY june 25 - july 4 , 1999
(These are pictures only so it may take a while to download.)
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We arrived in Augsburg (west of Munich)
The BMW Museum (Munich): Interior design is similar to the Guggenheim museum in New York -- Spiral ramp. The museum has a nice collection of cars, bikes, airplanes, and engines. They also have a store with all kinds of BMW pariphenalia (not available in US).
Catch that thief!! A friend, Baba,came out one morning to find his wheels had been stolen. Although upsetting, at least the thieves respected the machine and left it unscathed and protected the rear end with wooden blocks.
We only have a few pictures from Cologne -- one of our digital camera discs died, and we lost the photos. So, if you want to see what Cologne looks like, you now have another excuse to make travel plans!
Our 1st European Rally: Attendance is by formaly invitation only. These 45 enthusiasts were so friendly and generous (the truck on the left was filled with bier kegs), Chris had a little trouble waking up in the morning.
This is Christian, our host in Cologne. Hopefully you'll see him again in India
We're off to Belgium . . .